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How to Ask Engaging Questions
How to Ask Engaging Questions

Learn how to ask the best types of questions for your surveys

Written by Allie @ Vurvey
Updated over 9 months ago

Maximizing the amount of responses you get from each Vurvey you send is highly dependent on how engaging your questions are. This article will cover 3 tips on how to write engaging questions for your audience, and get the absolute most out of Vurvey.

1. Don't ask closed-ended questions.

A closed-ended question is a question that can only be answered with a "yes" or "no". Asking these types of questions isn't the end of the world, however, you aren't going to receive the most actionable feedback if all you are getting are "yes" and "no" answers. Try to use open-ended questions when collecting feedback from your audience. Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a "yes" or "no".

Let's look at some examples:

Closed-ended: "Did you enjoy using our product"?

Open-ended: "What was your experience using our product"?

You can see in these examples that the open-ended question will end up providing you with much more feedback than the closed-ended question.

2. Keep your questions short and sweet.

Most of us have experienced survey fatigue in our lives. This is when you have all the intentions of doing a survey, but you end up stopping part-way through because there are too many questions, or the survey is too dull. If the perceived effort of completing the survey is too high, your participants will drop out mid-way through the survey. One easy way to increase your response rate is by keeping your questions short and sweet.

Let's look at some examples:

Bad: "When you were considering purchasing this product, what were some of the concerns that came to mind that could have prevented you from making a purchase?"

Good: "What concerns did you have when purchasing this product"?

3. Only ask one thing at a time.

It's really easy to ask too much in one of your questions, or to accidentally ask two questions in one. Make sure that your questions cover a single point, so that you can get the most complete answers and feedback.

Here's an example of a question asking more than one question at once:

"Where did you first see our product, and were you interested when you saw it"?

Asking these types of questions can cause you to only receive 50% of the answer you are looking for. If you want an answer to both of these items, we suggest splitting this into two questions.

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