New Features & Enhancements:
Start Conversations from Campaign Builder: A new button on the campaigns page lets you instantly open a conversation based on a campaign's insights.
Enhanced Creator Property Management: Users can now add properties to creators even if they haven't participated in a campaign. Options include adding properties individually, in bulk, or via CSV upload.
Improved Video Questions: The Video question type now allows you to upload a supporting image, providing respondents with clearer context for their video responses.
Conversation Response Grounding: Gain deeper understanding of AI-generated responses with our new 'Powered by' feature. See the specific data sources (campaigns, datasets, questions) that informed each AI response.
Dataset Name Editing: You can now edit the alias of your datasets for easier identification and management.
Visual Generator Agent Enhancements: Visual Generator Agents now leverage background and instruction information to generate more relevant and on-brand images.
Improved Navigation for Smaller Screens: We've added a scrollbar to the navigation menu, ensuring all options are accessible even on smaller screens.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug that caused the screen to shift when tabbing through the agent form.
User avatars now update correctly after uploading a new image.
The search functionality on the Lists & Segments page now works as expected.
Default avatars are now displayed in conversations with agents when no custom avatar is set.
Addressed an issue preventing emails from being sent to users who had started but not completed a campaign.
Improved the error message displayed when attempting to add creators to a list they already belong to.
The campaign search filter now persists when navigating back from a campaign selected from the search results.
Removed the 'Start a Conversation' option for agents in draft status.
Unified the card component for improved consistency across the platform.
Clicking outside the image preview modal in the responder view now closes the modal.
Fixed the default sorting order for data sets, now sorting alphabetically by alias.